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Monument Options

Optional - Affects the amount of coverage needed

When you pass, your family and friends will find comfort in having a place to visit to remind them of you. Memorials can include monuments at a graveside, plaques and urns at a mausoleum, or even cremated remains placed in granite benches, marble statues and other permanent structures.

Monument providers can help you design your monument or memorial ahead of time, and your Purple Shield Plan can fund it. We work with Canada's monument providers to help you put a fitting memorial in place. Consider adding additional funds to your plan to cover the cost of a fitting memorial.

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We can't know what the future holds, but we can help you plan for it.
The MacKenzie Agency
Distributors for TruStage Life of Canada
Funeral & Final Expense Solutions
PO Box 70011
Cobequid Road Lawtons PO
Lower Sackville, NS  B3C 0B1
Toll-Free Phone: 1-877-234-8008
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